Get your own unique (and hilarious!) take on a work of classic literature with LitLibs!

What are LitLibs?

“LitLib” is short for “Literary Ad-Lib,” where you and your friends supply key words in excerpt of literature to create a bizarre and comical rendition. Today’s piece of literature has to do with the upcoming holidays (no, it’s not “Deck the Halls”—but I won’t say anymore to avoid spoilers!

Click below for the downloadable Holiday LitLib PDF:

How do LitLibs work?

Deck the Halls Holiday LitLib

Most important rule: don’t look at the story until you’ve followed the instructions, or you’ll ruin the fun!

Two ways to play:

As an Individual

  1. Do NOT look at page 2 before you’ve completed the following steps!
  2. Fill in the blanks on page 1 with the types of words provided
  3. Copy the words into the corresponding blanks on page 2
  4. Read and enjoy!

As a Group

  1. Choose 1 person to be the scribe for the group. The scribe may look at page 2 but should not give any hints about what the story is.
  2. The scribe asks each of the members of the group to provide the type of word for each blank on page 2 and writes it in the blanks. Group members can provide words by taking turns in an orderly manner or popcorn-style if desired.
  3. Read aloud and enjoy!

Get it now

Ready to play?

Click below for the downloadable Holiday LitLib PDF:

Did you enjoy? What were your favorite lines? Let me know in the comments!

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