What’s your favorite Disney movie? There are a lot of good options to choose from! One of my top picks (and arguably one of the best of all time) features one of the solutions to this puzzle! And to give you a hint, it’s not a magic lamp….
In fact, the words in this puzzle can relate to two different Disney films. Can you figure out which ones?
Want more hints or need to check your answer for this Disney word game? Scroll down!
Common Compound – Initiator
- The surname of a Disney hero
Word Train
- A floor covering
- A female honorific
Want the answers? Keep scrolling!
Common Compound – Initiator
- Pan
Word Train
- Carpet
- Lady
How’s that for a Disney word game? This puzzle alludes to Peter Pan and Aladdin (magic carpet!). Aladdin is a Disney classic, and the remake is great, too!
Your turn! What’s your favorite Disney film? Tell me in the comments!
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Word Game #22
Word Game #21
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