In a world where “religion” sparks controversy, our fantasy stories nevertheless usually contain a spiritual element. The fantasy genre acknowledges a fact that has become somewhat unpopular in our postmodern culture: the world is spiritual.
The spiritual realm
There’s more than matter to us. The part of us that looks for a meaning, for a purpose, for eternity is our spirit. The fantasy genre recognizes that the world has an order that requires explanation, and that true faith can satisfy that need.
More than just the natural cosmos, we have the supernatural: a God who is active in our universe as creator and sustainer. Science helps us understand how His creation works, but it doesn’t do as good a job addressing our non-physical selves, the soul and the spirit. When we come to know God, we best understand ourselves and our world.
Even more frequently than religion, the fantasy genre contains another element that can represent the spiritual realm: magic.
The power of magic

Magic is one of the greatest appeals of fantasy—in no other genre can we accomplish impossible feats with a gesture of the hand or a simple word. How often do we find ourselves wishing that we could wave a magic wand to resolve something that feels impossible in our lives? What we are longing for is something our souls already know exists: a plane beyond what we can see that we can influence.
In stories, magic is a non-physical power that can transform objects and transcend space without limits, save those instituted by the hand of the author. And yet, it is something humanity can harness—for good or ill—and it usually comes from a supernatural power.
In our world, our God isn’t bound by the physical limitations He made; He can perform miracles and move outside of time. He made us to be spiritual beings who interact with the unseen world—and more amazingly, He grants those in Christ some of His power. All authority has been given to Christ, and He entrusts His authority to His followers. We’re not helpless victims tossed about by the circumstances of life. In Christ, we have the ability to contend in the spiritual realm against the powers of darkness.
But a word of caution: the true natures of spiritual forces aren’t always easy to identify. Mankind’s enemy also exists in the spiritual realm and seeks to delude those who explore it and corrupt those who desire its power more than God. We see this in fantasy as well: false religions and misuse of magic have dire consequences. In the spiritual realm, it’s crucial to know what you’re doing and who you’re dealing with. Our test is the Bible—anything or anyone that contradicts what it says or denies God’s sovereignty is not something you should trust.
The value of religion and magic in fantasy is that they point us to the fact that we aren’t purely physical beings subject to the chaos of a senseless cosmos. We have a God who made us to interact with Him and who empowers those who follow Him in the fight against evil with every spiritual blessing we need. We needn’t make a wish or hope for our fairy godmother to rescue us. Our God is the one who has made Himself known and who accomplishes the impossible, and He leads us into all truth.
What fantasy stories have you read that portray issues of faith well?
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