As I stood in line for Comic-Con among people dressed as elves and superheroes, I noticed a fellow standing behind me in jeans and an unassuming t-shirt. The latter sported a message that basically translated from its fan-language into “I am the Chosen One.” He looked like the most normal real-life fellow in the bunch (says the gal wearing elf ears), and yet he made the most fantastical identity claim of all. Or did he?
Who really is the Chosen One?

Art by Adare Elyse using book photo by Aaron Burden from Unsplash
The fantasy genre often relies on a single hero—one prophesied from ages past or selected by some mystical process in the present—who will save the world. Though he may come from humble beginnings, lack all the required skills, and doubt or even dodge his destiny, he is the Chosen One. Through trials and training, he becomes the hero he always had the potential to become. And he does vanquish evil and save the world.
So why does this matter in real life? In the stories, the Chosen One is the exception in the population, not the rule. If anyone could defeat the darkness, we wouldn’t have to wait for the hero to come. Too often we look at ourselves and deprecate our abilities and doubt our significance. We settle for a life as one of the extras in the background of the story and think we’re not meant for adventure or greatness. But in fact, all of us have the chance to be the Chosen One in our own lives.
The call to greatness
We are made for more than the mundane rat race. We have a higher calling we can answer, a great mission we can fulfill, an epic adventure we can experience. Our lives have purpose and can make a difference if we are willing to step up and take the offer.
You see, we are all the Chosen One in God’s eyes. He has chosen us as His children, planned for us greater accomplishments than we’ve dreamed, equipped us with incredible gifts, and placed us precisely in geography and history to fulfill a great purpose with Him.
How is this possible? Because Jesus is the ultimate Chosen One: eternal and prophesied from ancient times, the one whose sacrifice has vanquished all evil for all time to literally save the world and every person in it. He has granted us authority on this earth, and with His power, we can vanquish the darkness. The Chosen One never loses. When we follow the path God has set for us, we will receive the victory.
We all have the calling to become the hero; most people just don’t respond to it. You have to choose to be chosen; you have to answer the call. You don’t have to buy the t-shirt—but if it reminds you of your true identity, then go for it! Just ask yourself: are you ready to become the Chosen One?
Do you believe your life has a purpose, and do you want to pursue it? Leave your response in the comments!
Be sure to check out the next post to find out how to get a clear perspective on the conflicts in your life!
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10 Ways Reading Fantasy Improves Reality
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