“What should I read next?” One of the best answers to this question could be a recommendation of a book someone else liked! I found a whole new series I loved from an author recapping books she’d read a couple years ago. So if you’d like to see if the same magic works for you, read on!
I finished 29 books this year (and am dabbling in a few more that will likely move into next year’s count). Of those, 21 were some variety of fantasy, whether YA, MG, adult, high fantasy, steampunk, etc. And since this is a fantasy blog, here are my top 5 fantasy book recommendations for 2023!
Centaur and Sensibility by Quenby Olson

Ok, this one stretches the definition of “book” because it’s very short, but it is an utter delight! As you might guess from the title, it takes the Jane Austen concept of sweet romance (provided one’s partner possesses an adequate chin) with elevated language and adds centaurs as an accepted part of society. The humor had me laughing aloud in places. With my interest in centaurs due to my new release, this was a wonderful find a little off the beaten path from what I usually read.
Find it on Amazon (affiliate link)
Young Adult
Hidden Current by Sharon Hinck

If you caught my interview with the author and full review earlier this year, you know that this book features a fascinating world of floating islands steered with the power of dance (an incredible concept!), a very relatable heroine with a quiet temperament, and beautiful thoughts on the big questions of life. It definitely makes the top 5!
Find it on Amazon (affiliate link)
Of Chaos and Cadence by Constance Lopez

Book 2 of the Kasmian Chronicles, Of Chaos and Cadence may be the best of its series so far (there are 3 now, not counting the short stories). I love how emotions and magic tied together in this quest for kidnapped mages and self-acceptance. You can find out more about the author and book 1 in the series in my interview with Constance Lopez and review of Of Stormlarks and Silence.
Find it on Amazon (affiliate link)
Middle Grade
Escape to Vindor by Emily Golus

I loved this portal fantasy adventure about facing your fears. It featured vibes reminiscent of The Neverending Story, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Lord of the Rings (some of my favorite stories of all time), plus a centaur (as mentioned, of great interest to me this year since centaur books can be rare!). I loved the characters and their arcs as they wrestle with their worth and how to act like a hero when you feel average. Highly recommend!
Find it on Amazon (affiliate link)
Cora and the Nurse Dragon by H.L. Burke

I can’t stop recommending H.L. Burke books, because they’re all so good! It was hard to pick between this one and her other story with steampunk vibes I read this year, Heart of the Curiosity. In Cora and the Nurse Dragon, a pair of enterprising kids stumbles upon the opportunity to hatch their own pet dragons in a highly-regulated society, which pits them against some sinister and greedy opposition. The 1920’s/30’s aesthetic with dragon races made a unique backdrop for this story about friendship and standing up for your beliefs.
Find it on Amazon (affiliate link)

On Hidden Wings by Adare Elyse
I know it’s cheesy, but I did read my own book 2 or 3 times this year as I edited it for publication and prepared to write a sequel. What would I say about my own middle grade fantasy featuring a flying centaur and other mythical creatures? I love the characters, especially the young prince, who is incredibly intelligent and upbeat, and the main character, who has a personality more like mine and must learn to accept herself in a society where she’s been an outsider. But anyway, if you want to know more about that, you can check out the book page for On Hidden Wings.
Find it on Amazon (affiliate link)
So there you have my top 5 fantasy book recommendations of the year! With the variety of books here—historical, portal, or secondary world for multiple audiences—I hope you’ll find one you’ll enjoy! Happy reading!
What fantasy books did you read this year that you would recommend?
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Great looking reads! You’ve got me adding to my wish list 🙂
Hope you enjoy! I read Heart of the Curiosity based on your recommendation, so thank you!