Key to Being a Happy & Productive Writer
Here is the #1 best tip to take your writing more seriously, get more done, and be satisfied with the results. And even better, it’s easy!
Here is the #1 best tip to take your writing more seriously, get more done, and be satisfied with the results. And even better, it’s easy!
When people look for wisdom to improve their lives, they look in the self-help section, not on the fantasy shelf. But classic fantasy stories convey a great deal about our universal human experience even in galaxies far, far away. Here are 10 benefits of reading fantasy.
We often wish we could wave a magic wand to resolve something that feels impossible in our lives. What we are longing for is something our souls already know exists: a plane beyond what we can see that we can influence.
Our world needs to be saved. A conflict has raged for millennia over the fate of our world and every person in it – and we can join in the adventure one battle at a time.
Classic fantasy restores the clear delineation between good and evil, light and dark, that still exists in our world. It’s not relative, and it is real. The fight’s coming to us whether or not we pick up or swords and shields.
Who really is the Chosen One? And why does this matter in real life? In the stories, the Chosen One is the exception in the population. But in fact, all of us have the chance to be the Chosen One in our own lives.
Why do adventures stir us so? Could it be that we are meant for more than a day-to-day routine survival type of existence?
While they may not have scales or bat wings, we all have dragons in our lives – an enemy who’s trying to burn down our happiness and devour the good things in our lives. Here’s how we fight back.
The classical elements of fantasy stories contain lessons of tremendous value about ourselves, our experiences, and our world—yes, our world, not just a galaxy far, far away. But before we get into fantasy’s specific virtues, it’s important to understand the value of stories in general.
Stories have great power. They can challenge the way we think—and change the way we think. Here’s why I write and why good stories are crucial…