Why Realm Makers

Wondering if the Realm Makers is right for you? Realm Makers is an organization for Christian authors of fantasy and science fiction that puts on an annual conference with workshops, professionals, and lots of fun.
You can read more about the great benefits and features in my last post about the Realm Makers Conference. In this post, I’m just sharing a little reflection on my experience at the conference this year. Before I get started, here’s a quick recap of the key features:
- A unique community of incredibly talented and kind individuals
- Access to publishing house and literary agency professionals
- Access to top-notch freelancers, including editors and cover designers
- Educational workshops on writing craft, marketing, publishing, and more
- Cosplay awards banquet (seriously, what other writer’s conference has that?)
- Book fair brimming with quality books and nerdy gifts
- Author signings
- All around fun
If you haven’t already, check it out! But without further ado, my experience in 2023:
New year
I returned to Realm Makers Conference! After taking a year away from the conference (and a break from writing in general) in my whirlwind romance of dating, engagement, and first year of marriage, I attended the conference for the second time—this time with my husband!
Excitement filled me as we entered the hotel modeled after a chalet and boxes of books floated through the halls along with laughter of arriving authors. I had a different approach to this year’s conference.
New connections
For the first time, I’m looking at independently publishing. Rather than focusing on workshops about how to catch an editor’s or agent’s attention or cramming as many pitches as permitted, I just wanted to talk to other writers. What a joy to discuss the kinds of stories I like to read and write with like-minded authors! I kept my ears open for any advice and experience they could pass on, from how they launched their books to how they chose their cover designers—so much to learn!
You might not expect to hear that an introvert’s main hope for the conference was to socialize, but indeed, for me, it was. And I certainly had my fill of meeting so many talented people, including author’s whose books I love! The very first day, I sat in a workshop for a few hours with a lady before she handed me her card. At that moment I realized I’d been conversing with the author of a story I’d enjoyed just a few months before!
New perspective
I love how happily the authors at Realm Makers share their experience and advice. Conferences often can raise doubts. For me, this one was no exception. But as I began to unpack my concerns about my book with a mentor, she pointed out a perspective I’d never have seen: my book was for a different audience than I thought! Such a timely encounter, just as I was beginning to reach out to editors and designers where having the audience correct is critical to their contribution. From that meeting, I went to talk to another author who could answer the new questions that conversation raised, and right next to her I found another author in this new genre (and a new book I’m devouring)!
Old habits still surfaced—I couldn’t resist pitching to a literary agent and editor since the opportunity arose—but I’m connecting with writers with a different perspective. As I’m looking ahead to a new path, having a company of other authors around me is such a blessing. I’m looking forward to building these friendships over time and reading many more good books as a result!
New path

I even experienced the conference as a published book author for the first time. My novella in the bookstore sold an amazing four copies! (That’s a lot given my expectation was zero!) Someone who’d already read it gave me much-needed encouragement just at the right time. Other blessings included the return of a lost water bottle, a ducklings sighting, and good health.
I have much to do and think about as a result of the conference, as always. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out the next step. But in this moment, I am grateful for the experience at Realm Makers 2023 and anticipate the joys of future conferences.