What is Hobbit Day?
Hobbit Day is a day to celebrate J.R.R. Tolkien’s world of Middle Earth, best known through his books The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, which were also made into films. Hobbit Day is September 22nd, which is the birthday of Bilbo and his nephew Frodo, the key hobbits in the books.

Why is Hobbit Day celebrated?
The real question is, “why wouldn’t Hobbit Day be celebrated?” Since J.R.R. Tolkien is considered one of the fathers of the beloved fantasy genre, we can appreciate the realms of storytelling his works opened up for us. For me, Hobbit Day is a time of nostalgia, remembering how my father read my sister and me the books in our early childhood. I’ve always loved fantasy since then, and that’s probably one of the main reasons I wanted to be a fantasy author. Plus, why not take any reason to celebrate? 🙂
How is Hobbit Day celebrated?
Hobbit Day—being a holiday based on a creative work—is open to a lot of creativity in its celebration. In the past, I’ve made scones or lembas bread from recipes inspired by the books. Listening to the movie scores is also a great way to get into the mood. Reading from the books or watching the movies can make for a great pastime. As a person who loves costumes, I’d recommend dressing up, too. Why not?
My Hobbit Day gift to you
This year, I’m celebrating by sharing pictures from my visit to the Hobbiton movie set in 2016 and a little more trivia.
The Fellowship of the Ring begins with the celebration of Bilbo’s 111th birthday—and what a party it is! The movie is rich with foods, cakes, and ales. Of course, such an expansive scene would take quite a while to film. The director, Peter Jackson, wanted to make the party realistic and enjoyable for the actors, so instead of having fake beverages, he commissioned a special low-alcohol ale for them to drink for hours on end without risking any drunkenness or discomfort. This ale, with 1% alcohol content, was called SobeRing Thought. We were able to purchase one of the few bottles left at the time to bring home as a gift.

And now, enjoy your virtual visit to Hobbiton.
How do you celebrate Hobbit Day? Please share!
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