No more weekly blog posts for now
Change happens. I’m one of those people who resists change and clings with a death grip to routine, but some changes are good ones—ones worth embracing! As a result of some changes in my life, I’ve decided not to continue blogging once a week from now on.
History of the blog
I started building my website on December 30th, 2018 and launched my blog a few months later. Since February 27, 2019, I’ve shared one blog post per week, even while I was behind the Great Firewall of China or so busy that I literally had to schedule every minute of my day to keep up.
From comics to history lessons, word games to book reviews, author interviews to travel journals, my blog has shared a variety of interest items for fantasy book fans. These carefully crafted posts, most featuring original graphics, take hours every week to construct and share.
Here’s the secret, though: I don’t blog because I love it. I blog because I want to connect with you, my readers, and hope these posts will bring you joy. Blogging has been a source of struggle for me, causing a lot of angst and taking a lot of resources over the years. I’ve proven I can keep going in the face of discouragement, but now I have a good reason to take a break.
Change in my life
In fact, it’s the best change I can think of! I’m now engaged to a wonderful man, and we’re getting married in a few months. This is a blessing I honestly thought I would never have, but God surprised me with this incredible gift! This is a very special season in my life. I’m putting my efforts toward building a strong relationship with my fiancé so we can have a firm foundation for our marriage. Plus, so many wedding details to handle!
That’s why I’m no longer going to blog every single week. I’m going to redirect those resources of time and mental energy elsewhere during this season.
Staying connected
But I’m not forgetting you, dear reader! In fact, I still have many wonderful things to share with you!
First of all, if you haven’t gotten it yet, you can download my free novella! This is a gift to you I’ve worked hard on all year. So please, get it and enjoy it!
Then, stay on my quarterly newsletter list! This is the best way to stay up to date on what’s going on in this writer’s life. Plus, I’m creating more special content that will only be available through this email list. You do not want to miss out!
But if you’re still missing me, I’ll stick around on my Instagram and Twitter accounts to say hello and keep sharing fantastical things with you.
Plus, there will probably still be blog posts—just not on the regular schedule I’ve been following for the last three years!
So is the blog dead? No, it’s not. It’s just taking a little rest for now. And someday, it might wake up just like Sleeping Beauty. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy some time with my own Prince Charming. Auf Wiedersehen!
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