Welcome to Lidynama
Welcome to the world of On Hidden Wings, Lidynama! A place full of mythical peoples—Centaurs, Fauns, Seraphs, Minotaurs, Griffins, and Pegasi.

The people
From the Griffins on the high cliffs and Fauns on the mountain peaks down to the Centaurs and Minotaurs on the grasslands, the people of Lidynama each interact with the world in a special way. The Pegasi sing with their hearts to living things to encourage growth and healing as the Griffins dance on the winds to regulate the weather. Meanwhile, other races shape the world with their hands.
The people of Lidynama have dual natures and can shapeshift into each of their components. For example, a Centaur has the form of half Human and half horse, and can transform to look like a Human or a horse. The races can also heartspeak to each other—communicate without a voice.
What kind of fantasy race are you?
If you were one of the races in this world, which would you be? Find out by taking this quiz!

With the head, wings, and claws of an eagle and the paws and tail of a lion, Griffins are fierce feathered felines. Their transformation abilities allow them to take full lion form for fighting and bird form for agile flying. They make their homes on clifftops or plateaus. From there, they launch into the skies to bend the weather to their dance, bringing rain to crops, soothing summer breezes, or even a thrilling thunderstorm! Griffins nest in communities and loyally defend their families. A member of Griffin family will always have someone to fight on their side!

Rather than speaking with words, these noble winged horses communicate with their hearts to other people and the world around them. The songs from their nurturing hearts cause plants to grow and injuries to heal. Using their powers of transformation, Pegasi love to gallop through flowered meadows as horses or soar through open skies as birds. Whether nesting in giant trees or roaming the countryside to restore croplands, Pegasi bring balance and abundant life to the natural world.

Human from the waist up and goat from the waist down, Fauns can transform into full Human form or goat form to traverse challenging mountain terrains or take on a variety of vocations. Their goat component allows them to perform incredible high jumps and also have a special connection to communicate with wild or domestic goats. Known for their level-headed ability to stay calm under pressure, Fauns are a dependable and hardworking race, often found in the rolling hills or mountain ranges.

The adventurers of the world, Centaurs combine the speed and endurance of the horse with the dexterity of humanity and can transform to either component. They love to travel the world and facilitate trade by land throughout all the kingdoms, using their special connection with horses to form happy and efficient caravans. Held to a strict code of honor, Centaurs treat all the races they meet with great respect, and bring treasures to and from every community they touch. At the end of a long journey, they come home to rest in the open plains until the road calls them onward to seek new sights and experiences again.

The strongest of all the races, Minotaurs have the upper body of a Human and the legs of a bull, as well as impressive horns. These gentle giants love to care not only for cattle, but all kinds of animals. Most often found on a ranch or farm, Minotaurs care for their extended community and look out for those around them, ready to provide hospitality or defense from foes.

Resembling Humans with wings, Seraphs can transform to Human likeness as needed or full bird form to soar through the skies. Their homes rest amid the branches of giant trees, keeping their hearts close to the heavens. To visit their neighbors, they fly on the winds between the forest canopy. Possessing great skill and creativity, Seraphs often become artisans who work in all kinds of media, from weaving and sewing to pottery and carpentry.
Journey to Lidynama now
Ready to experience the world of Lidynama? Visit Aldom and meet these fascinating peoples in the book On Hidden Wings!