Double-Check the Box
You might need to double check the box before you submit that reCAPTCHA form! This pun comic shows why!
You might need to double check the box before you submit that reCAPTCHA form! This pun comic shows why!
Dark days come in every story. We fight against an unseen enemy who seeks to destroy us with fear and despair. And though we can’t fight him off with guns or swords, we have more powerful weapons at our disposal.
Word Games are back! Check out the first word puzzle of 2020! Can you find the words that complete these common phrases?
English is a confusing language. Here are the top 7 word usages that even seasoned writers mess up. Whether you’re drafting an essay or the next great American novel, improve your writing by learning these simple rules!
You’ll have to fight off laughter after reading this comic about archery and medieval weapons!
Many people think they can’t quit partway through reading a book. But quitting isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it’s the right decision. Here’s why….
Twitterpated people can be pretty funny – even when they’re well-known characters from age-old stories. They’re even funnier in LitLibs! If you’re ready for a good laugh after the Valentines sentiments, check out this fun word game!
Whether you’re single or otherwise, here is a valentine for you—yes, you!—from the lover of your soul.
Dragons are a common part of European and Asian lore, but the dragon’s meaning and appearance are very different. Here’s how…