Have you ever encountered someone who exudes sweetness and light? Sharon Hinck is that kind of person! In this author interview, Sharon Hinck shares her inspiration for her YA fantasy book Hidden Current as well as her passion to create stories full of encouragement, hope, and goodness.
I first met Sharon at the Realm Makers conference in 2021, where I appreciated her beautiful gentle spirit. The author of multiple books, she kindly chatted with a budding author like me and also taught a wonderful class. Her book, a fascinating story where dance shapes the world, is also a joy to read. So to find about more about Sharon and Hidden Current, read on!
About Sharon Hinck
Sharon writes “stories for the hero in all of us” – uplifting and entertaining novels about ordinary people called to extraordinary challenges.
Her recent novel, Hidden Current, (Book 1 of the Dancing Realms Series), was honored with the Christy award for Visionary fiction. She also won several Carol awards for both contemporary Christian fiction and fantasy, and was a Christy finalist for The Restorer – a genre-blending adventure of a soccer-mom in an alternate world.
She holds an M.A. in communication, and worked for many years in arts ministry. In her various roles over the years as wife, mom, grandmother, church worker, choreographer, and writer, and adjunct professor, she has loved learning how God’s grace pours into our lives in the midst of our weakness.
When she isn’t wrestling with words, Sharon enjoys speaking to conferences, retreats, and church groups. She and her husband make their home in the mid-western United States.
Hidden Current

The dancers of the Order direct their floating world of Meriel with their movement… but are they steering it toward destruction?
Calara spent her life learning dance patterns and seeking to become the perfect servant to her people. When she discovers the work of the Order is built on lies, she flees with a rough-edged herder, Brantley of Windswell. Pursued by soldiers, her journey through the suffering villages of the rim leads her to encounter a truth that sends ripples through her world—and through her soul.
As she seeks clues to her forgotten family, Calara discovers newfound courage in the face of danger, while her quest awakens a growing but forbidden affection for Brantley. Yet even his support can’t fully be trusted, since he’d rather destroy the Order than bring reform.
She is a lone woman facing opposition from rim villages and treachery from the all-powerful Order. Can she restore the dance to its true purpose and bring freedom and hope to her people?
There are a lot of things to love about this book. First, the concept that dance moves and shapes the world in a tangible way. I enjoy books that show the creative arts influencing the world in an almost magical way, but I have never seen this idea explored with dance, which made it unique.
Second, it features a main character outside of the typical feisty or sassy rule-breaking girl trope. Instead, Calara is a young woman with a personality a lot more like mine—quiet, conservative, peace-loving, and rule-following—yet she is still a strong and courageous heroine who fulfills her unique calling. I love her quiet strength and how she wrestles through relatable fears and doubts in her growth. Her journey from a strict performance-based environment to a freer appreciation of herself and creativity definitely struck a chord with me.
One real-world question this story explores is, “What do we do when God doesn’t answer prayers the way we expect?” I imagine this theme might go even deeper in later books of the series, but this one features a nice, light allegory that while clear isn’t pushy or contrived, but truly seems to flow from a heartfelt experience. That allegory is point number three to appreciate.
Fourth, the world in this story is just fascinating. Floating islands, sweet-water oceans, stunning flying sea-mounts, and as previously mentioned, the rich tapestry of dance.
Overall, it’s a good, clean, wholesome story with a beautiful depth to it. The book also features the lightest, tasteful hints of a budding romance with a fun male lead that I expect will develop further in later books. Definitely recommend.
Find Hidden Current on Amazon (affiliate link)
Interview with Sharon Hinck
Now on to the interview with the lovely Sharon Hinck as she takes us into some of those depths that led to this beautiful book!
1.) What do you love about Hidden Current that made you want to share this book with the world?
I was inspired by diverse things: my interest in cults and how they trap people, the story in 2 Kings 22 where the book of the law was found after being lost, and the floating islands of C.S. Lewis’ book Perelandra. I loved exploring the theme of grace and freedom, the beauty of the arts when they are part of our connection to our Maker, and the danger of perfectionism and human self-reliance.
2.) What fuels your passion to write?
God is so awesome and multi-faceted that we need a variety of ways to communicate about Him. As I write, I get to know Him a bit better, and deepen my understanding of human struggles and how His love can transform us.
3.) What was your path to publication like? (Did you pursue an agent, go direct to a publisher, or decide to indie publish? Why?)
After writing The Restorer, I went to a writing conference (Mt. Hermon) and met an agent who liked my work. I kept writing, and my first contract was with Bethany House for The Secret Life of Becky Miller. A few years later The Restorer (and other Sword of Lyric books) were contracted by NavPress.
4.) Do you make your living as an author? What other work or hobbies do you have?
Nope. But I did a lot of freelance editing which helped pay bills, as well as teaching and speaking at conferences, churches, library groups, etc. As far as hobbies, I still enjoy doing a brief ballet barre when I can, taking a walk with my hubby, and enjoying our garden.
5.) How do your personal beliefs/faith system shape your writing?

My experiences with how hard life can be, but how sufficient God’s tender love is, all gave me a desire to explore those themes with various characters in different settings. Because Christ encourages me each day, I long to share that encouragement with others and can paint a picture of hope and courage in my stories.
Many thanks to Sharon Hinck for giving us special insight into her writer’s heart! You can find out more about her and her books at sharonhinck.com. If you want to know even more about her writing journey, particularly if you’re a writer yourself, you may enjoy her in-depth interview on the Write from the Deep podcast.
Did you know Sharon Hinck has more than a dozen books out? Which ones have you read? Which are you adding to you to-read list? Share in the comments below!
As for me…I’m going to add more of her books to my list right now!
Author Interview Series:
Carrie Anne Noble, The Mermaid’s Sister
Tara Grayce, Lost in Averell
Ariel Avelar, Influent
H.L. Burke, Ashen
Constance Lopez, Of Stormlarks and Silence
E.J. Kitchens, Wrought of Silver and Ravens
Ashley Bustamante, Vivid
L.A. Thornhill, The Prophetess of Arden
Sharon Hinck, Hidden Current
Emily Golus, Escape to Vindor
Kyrie Wang, The Thief’s Keeper
E.A. Hendryx, Suspended in the Stars
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