We’re back with an author interview of Constance Lopez! Her clean young adult fantasy, Of Stormlarks and Silence, came out a few months ago, so it’s hot off the press! In this article, we’ll get to know a little about Constance, her compelling book, and special insights into her life and why she writes fantasy. First, meet Constance!
About Constance Lopez
Constance Lopez knows magic is real. Dragons, faeries… and don’t even get her started on unicorns. She grew up having epic duels in the woods with her siblings, and nature is still one of her favorite places to be. If she isn’t out there working on her stories, she’s dragging her children and husband on adventures (they always enjoy it once they’re outside). Except in summer. For those months she hides inside, because Texas heat is real and it hates her.
Books have always been her haven and inspiration, and now she writes her own noblebright and romantic stories, hoping to pass those feelings along to others. Fantasy, of course. Because everything is better with magic.
Of Stormlarks and Silence

To kill the prince, she must first kill her heart.
Princess Riona was eight when the Revonian king murdered her family and conquered her kingdom with a mysterious magic. She has spent the last decade training—and waiting for her moment to avenge them all and reclaim her rightful title.
Now that the king is ailing, Riona secures a position within the Revonian royal palace. Her goals? Get close to the prince. Kill him. Uncover Revon’s secret magic. Make the king suffer. Only then can she take back her country.
But the closer she gets to the prince, the more he surprises her with kindness, honor, and wit. He is nothing like his cruel father. Worse yet, he sees right through to her heart. When she planned this assassination, her heart didn’t factor in.
And now it’s about to ruin all her plans.
Of Stormlarks and Silence is a slow-burn clean YA romantic fantasy standalone in the Kasmian Chronicles, a series of romantic fantasy connected standalones.
I don’t usually go for books with a revenge theme, but this one was recommended by another author I like, and with that gorgeous cover, I decided to give it a try. Despite the revenge theme, this wasn’t a dark, gritty, violent book. On the contrary, it featured a beautiful redemptive arc, wonderful themes about love and forgiveness, and spectacular characters. All the characters evoked a strong response, whether they were the likeable heroes or loatheable villains. I loved the prince, Riona, and a score of the side characters who were delightful. The book also featured very interesting innate magic types (I won’t spoil them here) and elves with a uniquely tree-ish aesthetic. Plus, while one scene flirted (literally) with an iffy situation, this was a clean, wholesome read with beautiful prose. The plot moved along quickly and made for a compelling page-turner. At the end, I wished there was more to read!
Find Of Stormlarks and Silence on Amazon here (affiliate link).
Interview with Contance Lopez
Now that we know a little about Constance and her book, let’s dive deeper into her journey as a writer.
1.) What do you love about Of Stormlarks and Silence that made you want to share this book with the world?
I’m not sure, lol. I began it December ’21(just under a year ago); a friend wanted to start a local writing group, but I was in the middle of the second book in a series, so I decided to just write a scene for a new story to share. The blurb fell out of my brain almost fully-formed, and I wrote that first scene (which didn’t make it into the final version, ha), and then I accidentally wrote the first act by the end of December. I loved Tristan’s goodness. I identified with Riona’s struggle, because forgiveness is something I have struggled with in the past (and present). And I loved the hope entwined into the story.
2.) What fuels your passion to write?
My motto? Mantra? One of those: I write to inspire, encourage, and entertain. Books have taught me so much over the years, and I especially love stories that constantly remind me of the goodness and beauty in the world. Those are the stories I want to write. I want to create stories that help other readers as much as I have been helped, even if that’s just making them smile.
3.) What was your path to publication like? (Did you pursue an agent, go direct to a publisher, or decide to indie publish? Why?)
I started writing as a teen, and I spent a good chunk of time researching agents and daydreaming about being published traditionally.
Then life happened–I went to college, I got married, had kids… And books (reading and writing) got set aside for a while. So my dream of being published felt more and more distant, especially as I watched friends publish with Trad. Their experiences, while mostly positive to them, did not sound appealing to me. I resigned myself to it being just a dream.
When I finally picked books—and writing—up again (that’s a long story in its own right), I happened to stumble on the concept of indie publishing. I loved the idea of having control of choices like cover, editor, and everything else. For the first time, my dream of sharing my books with the world felt achievable. So I wrote a book. I edited. I polished. A month before I was going to release it, I realized it sucked (thanks to a keen eye and blunt critique), so I set it aside, and I wrote a new book. I edited. I started its sequel and got a bit stalled out because I needed to finish editing 1 before I could decide what direction to take 2. And then one December I accidentally started an entirely different story—a standalone, because I was annoyed with series at the moment.
So it wasn’t always about indie for me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like being able to write the story that needs to be written, and I like having the freedom to package and share it with the world exactly how I want.
4.) Do you make your living as an author? What other work or hobbies do you have?
Ha! Considering I just released my first book, no. I hope to one day. But my full-time job is a stay at home mom. I have two little wildlings I homeschool. Other hobbies: I like soft things. I knit, I spin, I sew. I’ve dabbled with weaving and embroidery as well. I also love hiking, and I spend an inordinate amount of time reading (because I am a strong believer that the best thing an author can do to improve their craft skills is read widely).
5.) How do your personal beliefs/faith system shape your writing?
While I am Orthodox Christian, I have no desire to write Christian fiction, mostly because I feel it’s redundant. I believe everything good and beautiful points back to God. My job is just to write high quality stories, and let hope and love and goodness shine through in them. If I can do that, then I have accomplished what’s important to me. My stories don’t exist to convert people. They exist to shine a little more light into the world, because the world needs more light.
6.) What is a fun fact about you?
I was a part of the Boy Scouts of America before girls were “allowed” in (or rather, they’ve always been allowed in). I was in a Venturing Crew as a teen and got to visit three different Scout Bases (Philmont was my favorite and I got to visit there twice. It will forever hold my love. I still sing the song sometimes).
It has been a delight to get to know author Constance Lopez a little better! If you want to know even more and get her free short story prequel to Of Stormlarks and Silence, check out her website at constancelopez.com.
Author Interview Series:
Carrie Anne Noble, The Mermaid’s Sister
Tara Grayce, Lost in Averell
Ariel Avelar, Influent
H.L. Burke, Ashen
Constance Lopez, Of Stormlarks and Silence
E.J. Kitchens, Wrought of Silver and Ravens
Ashley Bustamante, Vivid
L.A. Thornhill, The Prophetess of Arden
Sharon Hinck, Hidden Current
Emily Golus, Escape to Vindor
Kyrie Wang, The Thief’s Keeper
E.A. Hendryx, Suspended in the Stars
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