Today we have a very special interview with Carrie Anne Noble, author of the award-winning clean young adult fantasy book The Mermaid’s Sister! Carrie has some wonderful insights into the writer’s life and the significance of story to share with us. But first, here’s a little background on Carrie and her book.
About Carrie Anne Noble
In the wake of her thrilling past as a theatre student, restaurant hostess, nurse aide, and newspaper writer, Carrie Anne Noble now crafts enchanting fiction. Her award-winning debut novel The Mermaid’s Sister was called a “must read” by Publishers Weekly. Her work has appeared in Deep Magic E-zine and Splickety Magazine, as well as on the Folklore Thursday website. Her newest YA novel Gretchen and the Bear “transports the reader into a magical realm that is one part sci-fi, one part fantasy, one part fairy tale.” Carrie lives in the Pennsylvania mountains, where she enjoys taking walks, letting her imagination run wild, and hosting the occasional tea party. Find her on Instagram as @carrieannenoble7.
The Mermaid’s Sister

Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Winner for Young Adult Fiction, 2014
Realm Award Winner for Best Speculative Fiction of the Year, 2016
There is no cure for being who you really are…
In a cottage high atop Llanfair Mountain, sixteen-year-old Clara lives with her sister, Maren, and guardian Auntie. By day, they gather herbs for Auntie’s healing potions; by night, Auntie spins tales of faraway lands and wicked fairies. Clara’s favorite story tells of three orphaned infants—Clara, who was brought to Auntie by a stork; Maren, who arrived in a seashell; and their best friend, O’Neill, who was found beneath an apple tree.
One day, Clara discovers iridescent scales just beneath her sister’s skin: Maren is becoming a mermaid and must be taken to the sea or she will die. So Clara, O’Neill, and the mermaid-girl set out for the shore. But the trio encounters trouble around every bend. Ensnared by an evil troupe of traveling performers, Clara and O’Neill must find a way to save themselves and the ever-weakening Maren.
And always in the back of her mind, Clara wonders, if my sister is a mermaid, then what am I?
As an English (Creative Writing) major, I loved how beautifully this book is written. The language is that perfect junction of poetry and prose. The characters endeared themselves to me with their magical charm and wholesome care for one another. Clara’s journey to finding her courage as she cares for her sister is both relatable and admirable. In short, this story is a delight!
Find The Mermaid’s Sister on Amazon (affiliate link)
Interview With Carrie Anne Noble
Now Carrie shares a deeper look at her passion behind this novel and her life and career as a writer.
1.) What do you love about The Mermaid’s Sister that made you want to share this book with the world?
I wrote the first draft of The Mermaid’s Sister just a few weeks after my only sister passed away from cancer. While the book isn’t specifically about my sister or me, it does reflect my journey through grief and my struggle to understand my place in the world without her. I love that that there are so many of my favorite things in the book: meadows flashing with fireflies, evenings spent beside campfires, friendly dragons, a clever raven, picnics with best friends… And of course, I love that the characters get their happy endings. The world can always use more happy endings, right?
2.) What fuels your passion to write?
Reading a beautifully written book always inspires me, as does spending time with other writers at events and writers’ conferences. Also, writing makes me happy (most of the time!).
3.) What was your path to publication like? (Did you pursue an agent, go direct to a publisher, or decide to indie publish? Why?)
I wrote quite a few “practice” novels over a period of years before I wrote the earliest version of The Mermaid’s Sister in 2012. After some revisions, on a whim, I submitted it (then titled Seashell, Stork and Apple Tree) to the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest in 2014. The book went on to win the young adult category, and part of the prize was a publishing contract with Skyscape. So my path to publication was quite unusual! I feel like I sneaked in the side door.
4.) Do you make your living as an author? What other work or hobbies do you have?
Kind of! I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for many years, supported by a very kind husband who doesn’t fuss about my extremely inconsistent income.
When I’m not writing, I enjoy baking, sewing, and walks in the countryside. And reading, of course!
5.) How do your personal beliefs/faith system shape your writing?
My faith is very important to me and influences what I choose to write and what I choose not to write. I hope that God’s light, hope, and joy shine through me and onto the page, even when I’m writing about fantasy worlds.
Many thanks to Carrie for sharing the incredible “story behind the story” for The Mermaid’s Sister and her passion to bring light to her readers! You can find out more about Carrie and her other books at
Tune in later this month for an interview with Tara Grayce, author of Lost In Averell! Make sure you don’t miss it by signing up to have the latest fun-filled fantasy posts delivered to your inbox.
Have you read The Mermaid’s Sister or Carrie’s other books? What did you enjoy most about her stories or this interview?
Author Interview Series:
Carrie Anne Noble, The Mermaid’s Sister
Tara Grayce, Lost in Averell
Ariel Avelar, Influent
H.L. Burke, Ashen
Constance Lopez, Of Stormlarks and Silence
E.J. Kitchens, Wrought of Silver and Ravens
Ashley Bustamante, Vivid
L.A. Thornhill, The Prophetess of Arden
Sharon Hinck, Hidden Current
Emily Golus, Escape to Vindor
Kyrie Wang, The Thief’s Keeper
E.A. Hendryx, Suspended in the Stars
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