What’s new in this fantasy realm? Quite a lot! Find out what fantasy people group matches your personality, which of my books are up for awards, and revisit On Hidden Wings’ spectacular launch party!
This year has brought a lot of excitement on the book front. In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights:
Two of my novels are finalists for awards!
Race Across the Battlefield

My not-yet-published young adult science fiction novel, Race Across the Battlefield, placed in the top five of the Aurora Contest for science fiction. Realm Makers first opened the contest in 2023 for unpublished writers, and I reached the finals! This is actually a second finalist award for RAB, which previously placed in the top 5 for the Colorado Gold Contest. I had paused seeking publication for this novel while promoting and publishing On Hidden Wings, but I think it’s time to get it out to some more literary agents.
On Hidden Wings

My debut novel made it past round one of the Realm Awards in all categories—middle grade, fantasy, debut, and cover art—and went on to final in the middle grade category! The winner will be announced at the Realm Makers conference in July of 2024. Let’s hope for even more good news!
Launch party recap

A big thank you to everyone who came to the launch party for On Hidden Wings! For those who missed it, the long-awaited celebration of the novel’s release took place at Barnes & Noble in Lakewood, CO. A lovely turnout of guests enjoyed competing in a fantasy trivia quiz for prizes and kept me on my toes with a lively author Q&A. One lucky attendee won a B&N gift card and a copy of On Hidden Wings. Highlights also included a fun “madlib” where we re-wrote the book’s back cover description with hilarity, as well as a personality quiz—which you can take!
Which fantasy race are you?
Wondering what fantasy people group you’d fit into? Are you a centaur, a griffin, or something else? Now you can find out with this quick quiz!
This quiz is part of my new Visit the World of On Hidden Wings page, with information about the people and places in my book world! You can check out the full color map there.
In other news
I’m working on a sequel for On Hidden Wings. I believe first books should always have a satisfactory resolution of the main conflict, but there is more to explore beyond the end of these pages. Right now, I’m still in the early chapters, so look forward to more updates later!
Thanks for reviewing all the news that’s fit to print—I mean, digitize. Until next time!
What do you think makes a book party fun? Share in the comments!
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