The gift at Christmastime

At this special time of year, we remember how Jesus Christ, the light of the world, came into our darkness.
In times of death, He is our life.
In times of fear, He is our confidence.
In times of uncertainty, He is our surety.
In times of unrest, He is our peace.
In times of oppression, He is our freedom.
In times of isolation, He is our companion.
In times of loss, He is our comforter.
In times of sorrow, He is our joy.
In times of despair, He is our hope.
In times of darkness, He is our light.
When the world was worn down with oppression and hopelessness and God seemed silent, the most glorious thing happened: He came to us to bear our burdens, to do away with our sin and shame, and to restore us to Himself, the true source of Life. When we are with Him, we receive all we need for a joyous life abundant, the most wondrous gift!
In the quiet left in the absence of Christmas parties and endless shopping, let us remember the true source of our joy and hope, our reason for this beautiful season, the new beginning at the end of this year: our Savior, Jesus, came to us, because of His unmeasurable love. And now we, made whole in His grace, are forever with Him.
How receiving the gift changed me
For a long time, I believed in Jesus the way I believed in gravity or doing what’s right. Important, fundamental, but primarily intellectual. That changed when I invited Him to show up, to speak into my life—and He did. It’s one thing to be taught about how God loves the world. It’s quite another to hear Him say to me personally, “I love you, my dear one.”
Now my faith is a matter of the heart, and the closer I draw to Him, the more He overflows me with His gifts of joy, peace, and strength. I used to be trapped in a performance world, ashamed of my mistakes. Now I’m free knowing that He loves me and enables me to do what matters. I used to worry about everything—what I should do, my safety, what calamities might hit my life—but now I’ve seen how He cares for me in every circumstance and makes even the worst things bearable until they bloom into something beautiful.
In all this crazy year, I’m not afraid or even disappointed. The key isn’t to throw out 2020—it’s to experience the exquisite life available to us with God regardless of the circumstances. In all my many dark nights of the soul, He has shone His light. He will do the same for you, if only you trust Him!
May the love and peace of Christ become more vivid and real to you this Christmas season.
What is the source of your hope?
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