Valentines are those sweet little notes exchanged between loved ones on a special day in February, and the focus is placed on romantic relationships. But whether you’re in a relationship or not, there’s someone out there who would like to give you a valentine—yes, you!

And I don’t mean one of those cheesy cartoon ones we all passed around in grade school. This valentine is from someone who loves you more deeply than anyone else in the world, who’s always painting sunrises for your delight and singing over you with joy. This is the someone who knows you even better than you know yourself, and loved you before you ever set foot on this earth.
So whether you’re single or otherwise, here is a valentine from the lover of your soul:
I love you.
Nothing compares with my love. [1] As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is my love for you.[2] As vast as the oceans are, they don’t begin to contain my love for you.
You are precious to me, every hair on your head[3], every hidden pearl in your heart.[4] I placed every one of those gems in you, dreaming of them before the foundation of the world, and now it is my joy, my delight, to bring them to life and light in you.[5]
Do you know how precious you are, my dear one?[6] How none can replace you in my heart?
Here, draw close to me, and let me show you how wonderful you are to me, how I have longed for you. Come close, and I will show you the wonders of who I have made you to be and the joys you can find in dwelling in my heart[7], side by side with me,[8] each part of the day, each step of the way.
I am with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.[9] When you feel alone, I am at your right hand.[10] When you are defeated, I will bring you triumph.[11] When you are bowed low, I will lift you up. Nothing is impossible for me.[12]
I will seek you to the ends of the earth,[13] romancing you with my love that surpasses your understanding. Glimpse it, take just a taste of it,[14] and you will be awed, overwhelmed by just the smallest piece of my love for you.
I have declared you precious; I have declared you worthy.[15] I have paid the highest price to win your love, and you are only beginning to know my love for you.[16] Words can’t fill enough books to contain my love for you.[17] It goes on and on—forever and ever,[18] for my special creation,[19] my dearest love, my child[20] and prize.[21]
At the risk of sounding maybe a little cheesy (but it’s not cheesy if it’s the truth, right?), God loves you so very much. Receive His love—and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
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