Why is fantasy relevant?

When people look for wisdom to improve their lives, they tend to look in the self-help section, not on the fantasy shelf. After all, fantasy usually deals with worlds and creatures unlike our own—so how can they speak to our reality?
The answer is, lots of ways! Through the powers of narrative and metaphor, classic fantasy stories convey a great deal about our universal human experience even in their galaxies far, far away.
Over the past few posts in the series, we’ve covered in depth quite a few of the ways reading fantasy improves our approach to regular life. But for a quick overview of the main benefits of reading fantasy—and a few extra reasons—read on!
#1: Stories make truth accessible
Stories touch our hearts in a deeper way than logical arguments or lists of facts, and therefore can have greater meaning and impact. Particularly for heavy subjects, the narrative provides a layer of protective distance that allows us to see and evaluate truths in a non-threatening way, free from personal defensiveness, so that we can then decide how to apply them to our lives. While stories in all genres have the capacity to communicate truths about the world and our existence, the fantasy genre tends to highlight certain truths that other types of fiction works don’t touch on as often or deeply.
Read more about the power of stories to educate and inspire.
Here are some of those truths:
#2: We can overcome our personal dragons
We all face opposition in our lives, whether from internal accusation or external adversaries. Fantasy clearly portrays conflict—and that we can win! Knowing and standing on the truth about our value as individual human beings provides us the weapons to defeat our inner dragons of self-doubt and discouragement. Committing to doing good in the face of evil is the strategy to defeat not the enemies in front of our faces, who are real people facing their own challenges, but the ultimate enemy of our souls. Our dragons can be beaten!
Read more about identifying your true enemy and winning the fight.
#3: We are meant for a glorious adventure
The big wide world is a scary place—and it’s easier to just stay in our comfort zones where perhaps nothing is very interesting, but nothing is at risk, either. But we can break out of the mundane day-to-day existence to pursue a thrilling adventure in our lives. Moreover, we can do so with confidence because we know who is writing our story. Though we may suffer hardship and loss on the journey, we know our ultimate destination will be a happy one that makes everything worthwhile.
Read more about finding the courage to live adventurously.
#4: We are the heroes – the Chosen Ones
When we’re staring down the invitation to adventure and in response, we just think we’re not special enough or don’t have what it takes, the truth is we are Chosen Ones. We have been called for a purpose to be great, not just average. We follow the ultimate Chosen One who has already won the greatest victory, and He has chosen us to share in His triumph. Heroes aren’t found only in epic stories; they can be found in us!
Read more about our significance and how we can participate in a great cause.
#5: We can know right from wrong
Life is complicated—and so is our view of how to navigate it! Since we are imperfect people with a limited perspective, we struggle to know what is right in every situation, but that doesn’t mean there is no right or wrong. Fantasy shows the clear divide between good and evil. We can know it in our lives too by seeking God’s perfect and comprehensive view. Good and evil are in conflict in our world, and since that’s where we live, we can’t sit this one out. We have to choose to align our thoughts and actions with one or the other—and choosing good, though sometimes hard, is always worthwhile.
Read more about knowing and choosing what’s good in a confusing world.
#6: The world needs to be saved
It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day and miss out on the bigger story of the human race. All the problems we see are part of a greater conflict. Fantasy stories tend to have the whole world at stake, dependent on the actions of the hero to save it. Likewise, our broken and hurting world has lost its perfect happy state in harmony with God and all creation—and it has been saved! Christ has made the way for reconciliation and healing, and we’re able to participate in winning people back to Him until the day He calls the victory He’s earned to completion.
Read more about the epic storyline of saving the world.
#7: The world is spiritual
Despite the debates and controversies about “religion”, we know there is something special about us as humans—something that looks for meaning and order. Fantasy stories more readily acknowledge faith as a source of knowledge. We are more than physical beings, and only when we know God can we truly understand ourselves and our world. We also have spiritual authority granted to us in Christ. Like magic, we can affect the world and powers by faith and by word.
Read more about our spiritual natures and our influence on the world.
Seven is the perfect number…but wait! There’s more!
#8: Worldbuilding mirrors divine creativity
Fantasy also demonstrates the creativity of our Creator. The genre takes off the limits of what exists and what can be accomplished. Authors create whole worlds full of fantastical creatures and alien cultures—and this mirrors the infinite creativity of our God, who has designed our world with the minutest subatomic details and the grandest intergalactic scale. Humans are made in his image, but we don’t all look and act the same. In fact, no two people are alike; we mirror different parts of our infinite God and the beauty of variety He has instilled in us.
When I traveled to New Zealand, I stood in awe of the mountain peaks and diverse landscapes so unlike anything I’d seen before. When I came home to the Rocky Mountains, I saw anew the familiar setting and appreciated its beauty all the more. Fantasy does the same for us. In showing us a new and different world, we can appreciate more clearly the wonders already found in our own, both on a physical level and a spiritual level.
#9: We need a questing party
Anyone know the name of the first book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy? Yep, The Fellowship of the Ring. Fantasy stories usually feature a questing party, a group of people who have joined together to complete the mission. Navigating the dreams, struggles, heartaches, and victories of real life requires the support of people close to us.
The concept of “divide and conquer” applies to our daily experience. When we’re alone, we’re easily outmaneuvered and discouraged. We forget how much we are loved and what we have to offer. But the opposite maxim is also true: when we unite, we conquer. Having a circle of close friends to bear us up in time of trial and rejoice with us in time of celebration enriches our lives and empowers success. We can build our own A-team to complete our mission!
#10: We can take courage
Fantasy stories often have scary content—fierce monsters, dark magic, sinister foes, harsh landscapes—but the hero always perseveres to reach the victory. He always wins. As the previous truths have hinted, facing our fears brings a great reward. Every enemy that the hero faces and defeats brings him new strength and treasures, whether a magic sword or just greater confidence or wisdom.
Similarly, when we encounter challenges in our lives, we can look at them either as a terror to run from or an opportunity to gain a new reward. God brings good out of all things for those who love Him and follow His purpose. We can face hardships with confidence knowing that we will get through and be better on the other side. He equips us with all we need to face any challenge with Him so we don’t need to fear evil or darkness. Instead, we can anticipate the ultimate victory.
As we’ve seen, stories have great power to communicate truth to our hearts as well as our minds. The opposite is also true: bad stories can communicate crippling lies that we absorb.
Read more about the importance of choosing good stories.
Works in the tradition of classical fantasy that contain the themes we’ve just explored are powerful vehicles to inspire us in our daily lives, carrying us out of the mundane into mindsets full of hope and purpose. Plus, they’re a great deal of fun! So whether you’re a seasoned fantasy veteran or just considering testing out the genre, I hope this article series has helped you see the benefits of reading fantasy and that your enjoyment will increase as a result.
What are some of the best fantasy books you’ve read? Why were they meaningful to you?
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